Cultivating Presence and Resilience
for Caregivers
Professional Caregivers, Healthcare and Mental Health Professionals, Family Caregivers, End-of-Life Professionals, Coaches
Bringing Mindful and Loving Awareness
to the Caregiver Experience
An Experiential Course
Presence & Resilience
for all Caregivers
Bring Your Mind-Body-Heart-Soul
Tap into Your Inner Wisdom
Remain Replenished and Resilient
What you will learn:
Cultivating calming presence
Somatic awareness
Building compassion and resilience
Managing difficulties, stress and uncertainties
Easing caregiver burnout
Gaining mental clarity
Creating a practical self-care plan
Releasing empathic and empathetic burdens
and more!
Who this course is for:
All Caregivers (including healthcare workers, professionals)
Family caregivers
All mental health professionals (including counselors, therapists, social workers)
End-of-life professionals
When in doubt, contact
What makes this course unique:
Highly experiential
Designed specifically with the needs of caregivers in mind
Rooted in age old traditions and scientific research
Course Details
9-week program
Weekly, live online sessions, 2 Hours each
5-hour retreat
23-hours of live instruction
45-minute daily practices in between weekly sessions
Guided recorded practices
Course handbook
Live Online via Zoom - All from the comfort of your home
Your Guide and Instructor
Yasemin isler, MA Mindfulness Studies, is a certified mindfulness meditation and compassion teacher and mentor, grief educator and coach, integrative thanatalogist, end-of-life doula, hospice volunteer, circle keeper, caregiver and fellow human living with chronic illness.
She is the creator of the MCCG program, running mindfulness and compassion based grief circles, courses, and retreats, since 2014. Yasemin has supported the grief journeys of many in group and 1:1 settings. She brings experience in the field, 1800+ hours of professional certification training, 40+ years of personal contemplative practice, her own experiences of grief, loss, illness and caregiving, and full presence to being with you in this space.
Upcoming Course Dates
October 4, 2021 - November 29, 2021
Live Online Courses: Mondays 7 - 9pm EST USA | 4 - 6pm PDT USA | Convert to your time zone
Retreat Day: Midway in the course. Will be announced/jointly agreed during the course.
Course fee
Regular rate: $750 USD
Early Bird - If you register through September 2: $650 USD
Pay it forward rate: $850 USD
Limited scholarship available: Covid-19 hardship & BIPOC scholarship: (Please write us about the nature of your request for scholarship at
Registration and Payment required to save your spot.
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