You are Confirmed to Attend the Gathering for Grief
What’s next:
1 - Mark this email address as safe in your Inbox: If you never hear back on your Inbox from this email address, check your spam folder.
2- Make your Donation. Donations sustain these events while providing for a modest livelihood. Most importantly, people show up when they pay. And the truth is, if you just sign up and do not show up, it unfortunately could end up wasting my time and effort.
3- You will receive an email with the Zoom Room link a few days before the online gathering.
4- You may see the Zoom link already listed below. If so, please keep it for your records.
(Please do not share with anyone)
Community Gathering for Grief and Healing with Yasemin Isler
See below for dates and times
Click >> Zoom Meeting Link
or copy and paste the link below to your device:
or use enter this information on your Zoom app:
Meeting ID: 853 6695 6430
Passcode: Peace
5- Join on the day and time of the event.
Dates and Times:
Widows/widowers/grieving spouses: THURSDAY, December 21, 7-8PM EST USA
Grieving Parents: FRIDAY, December 22, 7-8PM EST USA
With Kindness,
Yasemin Isler