Reclaiming Your Power No Matter Life’s Challenges

Learn How to Navigate & Support Emotional Well-Being, Manage Stress and Reduce Burnout

While Living with Illness or Caregiving

Backed by Research and Science

2022 New Year Special Pricing

12-week course $450

Live Online

Reclaim Your Power: MBSR+ for Illness and Caregiving Course

Continue to filling out your registration intake form

If you are living with a life altering illness, or giving care for a loved one, you know that stress and anxiety can be heightened, naturally. You may be focused in the daily management of the condition(s). You may experience overwhelm and burnout. You may experience sense of isolation and/or hopelessness. You may need to renew your sense of direction, ways to stay centered, and keep your resilience going. You may be looking for practical ways to manage your stress. 

TakING care of you!

Take Care of Your Mental Home

Understand the nature of your thoughts, your nervous system and biology of stress reactions, working with difficult emotions, communicating in supportive ways for yourself and others, attuning to and taking care of what is needed in the moment, so you can take care of your whole self.

This course is for individuals living with illness and their caregivers. It accommodates particular needs which are brought on by challenging health conditions. We stay true to the curriculum and everything that is core about Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), adding resilience building compassion, cognitive and behavioral segments. The course is conducted online within a time period and format which are reportedly more manageable to attend, and for sustaining the learnings.

If you are living with a life changing illness, and/or caregiving for a loved one, we would love you to join us.

Age requirement: 17 and older.

Dates and Times

This course takes place over the course of 16 weeks vs the standard 8 weeks. We meet once a week, for 1.5 Hours. A partial day-long retreat in the middle of the course is included.

Dates: Tuesdays, february 8, 2022 - MAY 24, 2022

Times: 12 - 1:30pm EST USA | 9 - 10:30am PDT USA

Convert to your time zone

You will learn about and practice

  • Body - Mind Awareness

  • Stress physiology and neurobiology, reactivity and response

  • Awareness of perceptions, habits and patterns, and how to change them to support you moving forward

  • Working with Difficult Emotions

  • Managing Discomfort

  • Supporting and minimizing Caregiver Burnout

  • Easing Difficult Communications

  • Mindful Movement

  • Creating sustainable self-care

You will Get

  • Full MBSR Curriculum taught over the course of 16 weeks (30 hours of live online, class participated instruction)

  • Additional education and practices for resilience building, based on mindful, compassionate, cognitive and behavioral management approaches, to support living with illness and caregiving

  • Course Manual

  • Guided Practices

  • 2 x 15minute 1:1 interviews for personal support during the course

  • Access to the teacher throughout the course for support with the course, outside the scheduled class hours, by appointment

  • Passport to join the Monday practice circle during the duration of the course.

Cost to Attend the Course

2022 New Year Special Pricing: $450

  • Standard cost: $650

  • Reduced cost: $450

  • Scholarship: $325 (please contact first)

  • Pay it Forward: $800

Thank you for paying within your means.


all 3 steps are required to complete the registration process:

1) Fill out the intake form.

2) Pay to secure your spot.

Reclaim Your Power: MBSR+ for Illness and Caregiving Course

3) Schedule your 15min interview.


Gold standard for learning to practice mindfulness for everyday stressors, MBSR course was originally created by Jon Kabat Zinn at UMASS Medical Center pain clinic to give extra resources to patients with chronic pain and illnesses, and symptoms, which modern medicine could not alleviate. It is still the most widely used and researched curriculum.

Your Teacher

Yasemin Isler, MA Mindfulness Studies, is a certified mindfulness and compassion teacher across the life span (various curriculums, including MBSR), mindfulness and meditation teacher mentor, trauma informed mindfulness provider, end-of-life professional and grief coach, and writer. She is a senior teacher and adjunct faculty, bringing 40+ years personal mind training and 1800+ hours teacher certification training.