Embrace the Art of Inner Peace

Yasemin Isler | @griefcircles

The pursuit of inner peace and stillness can often feel elusive. The mind races, thoughts swirl, and finding moments of tranquility seems nearly impossible. But what if I told you that cultivating a sense of peaceful stillness is not only achievable but can be deeply transformative? And what if I also told you that the path is slightly different than what you would expect?

First, the crash course:

Do you know what that racing

or unsettled

or guilty,

or “I don’t deserve this” mind is like?

Don’t fight it either way,
whether you notice you are melting into a relaxed state of mind and, just like an alarm clock, try to disrupt it because you think you don’t deserve it,
you just can’t settle down and try two hard to stay in the moment and relax.

The more you fight what is here, the harder it becomes.

Let go of trying, and Just Be. How?

Give yourself the permission and the grace to feel what you feel. It is all ok. One thing that you can be guaranteed is that this moment, this feeling, will pass eventually. It may come back again. But, you will experience moments of peace and tranquility. And you will experience moments of unsettledness.

Rather than resisting whatever is here, embrace it for just a few minutes. Just as it is, without trying to change it.

Now, with all that said, let's get to work. Try a few things with me and let me know how you do:

The Challenge of a Busy Mind

We’ve all been there: lying in bed, wide awake, as our minds run through endless to-do lists or replay past conversations. The more we try to quiet our thoughts, the louder they seem to become. It’s as if our brains are hardwired to resist stillness.

Finding Your Sanctuary

Imagine a serene waterfall in the heart of a lush jungle. The constant flow of water, the gentle sound of the stream, and the vibrant greenery all contribute to a sense of calm and balance. This natural sanctuary serves as a powerful metaphor for the inner peace we seek. Just like the waterfall, achieving stillness involves a steady, continuous effort.

Practical Steps to Inner Peace

  1. Mindful Breathing: Start with simple breathing exercises. Focus on your breath, noticing each inhale and exhale. This practice can help anchor your thoughts and bring you into the present moment.

    If the breath is challenging, don’t force it. Instead, focus on the sensations of your hands or feet. If that doesn’t work, focus on hearing the sounds around you. One thing that often helps me is listening to birds.

  2. Nature Connection: Spend time in nature. Whether it’s a walk in the park or sitting by a body of water, nature has an innate ability to calm and center our minds.

    Observe the trees. They are all around us. In spring and summer, they glow with life and such a sight to observe. They also can have a calming affect on our bodies. Just rest your attention on a tree, if there is one in your surrounding. No expectations. Simply observing and being in the moment.

  3. Gratitude Journaling: Keep a journal where you jot down things you’re grateful for. This shifts your focus from worries to positive reflections.

    Remember to include yourself in this journal. What are you grateful about YOURSELF?

  4. Digital Detox: Unplug from your devices for a set period each day. Reducing screen time can decrease mental clutter and enhance your sense of peace.

    Often, the effects may not be immediate, so keep practicing digital detox on an on/off regular basis, for the sake of your mind and wellbeing.

  5. Meditative Practices: Engage in meditation or yoga. These practices cultivate a deeper sense of awareness and relaxation.

    Keep reading to learn more at the end about meditations.

Embrace the Journey

Finding inner peace is a journey, not a destination. It’s about making small, consistent efforts to cultivate stillness in the midst of life’s chaos. While it may seem challenging at first, with patience and practice, you’ll discover that moments of true tranquility are within your reach.

So, take a deep breath, find your waterfall, and let the journey to inner peace begin. 🌿

Yasemin ❤️

Here are a couple of things to get you started:

1. Start Your Journey towards being with what is and room for tranquility:

When you do, you will receive a 20% discount on a 1-on-1 session:

2. Set up a 1-on-1 with me this summer to see how we can approach the challenges with a mindful and understanding attitude: