A Year of Healing

Starting here and now

Your grief may be due to many reasons, perhaps one event, perhaps a few different ones. This being human can mean many reasons for and ways of grieving; such as death of a loved one (bereavement), your own or other’s illness, seeing others suffer on a regular basis, breakups, changes in life conditions, communal losses and continued oppressions, ecological losses.

Welcome to this healing space.

A Year of Healing program was created based on years of research and experience with supporting thousands of grieving individuals and communities.

The program provides the balance of three pillars, using Mindfulness, Compassion and Community for Grief (MCCG is trademarked - ©2014) towards sustaining a healing journey as you navigate your grief. These three pillars that are included in the program are:

On your own

helps you tend to your grief in your own time and space, at your own pace, using expertly guided instructions and meditations in an online, self-paced course.

One-on-one guidance

provides gentle and wise attention to guide you on your unique grieving and healing process. Provided virtually.

Supportive community

offers you the space to share grieving and healing with fellow human beings when you are ready and benefit from it. In a supportive community, you will be heard and seen, learn, reflect and practice, heal and grow together on this human journey. Live online sessions are provided virtually.

These individual components are available for you on their own. You may decide that one or two are just what you need right now. The sum is larger than its parts and in this case, the full package provides a multi-pronged integrative healing approach and sustainability.

All are welcome. No matter how new or old your grief is, if you are looking for processing and healing it, you are welcome.

Learn more about what is included in A Year of Healing program

1. On your own:

1. On your own:

Mindfully Navigating Grief: Self Paced Online Course

Start navigating your healing journey in your own space and time.

The self paced course offers 5 modules, over 40 video and audio recorded guided teachings, reflective prompts and meditations.

2. One-on-one Guidance:

Individualized Grief Guidance

One-on-one attention to support you and your unique situations, for optimal sustaining of new habits and directing the path of your healing.

3 sessions are recommended and included in the program, adjustable to add more to accommodate your needs.

2. One-on-one Guidance:

3. In Community

3. In Community

Mindful Grief Support Group and Healing Circles

We start with a 12-week grief support group, meeting weekly.

You then continue A Year of Healing program with 8 monthly meetings in community gently processing grief, learning, practicing and sharing ways of supporting and sustaining.

The original mindful grief support groups and healing circles in operation since 2014.

How does A Year of Healing Grief work and how to sign up?

To JOIN A Year of Healing program, follow this 2-step process

(Scroll down to see the links.)

  1. Fill out the registration form


  2. Complete your payment through the links provided below as you scroll down the page.

Once you sign up for the program, following Step 1 and Step 2, you will be enrolled. You will receive your welcome message. Once you are enrolled, your next steps include:

  1. You will receive the code to register for and start your self-paced online course at any time.

  2. I will reach out to you to schedule your first one-on-one session. The goal is to immediately start focusing on your needs, circumstances, and how best to support you during this time. We will jointly plan for the second and third one-on-one sessions.

  3. You will receive instructions and reminders as we approach the 12-week mindful support group.

  4. After the 12-week support group ends, for the remainder of the year, we will meet monthly for you to continue learning new themes of supporting your grief, practice together, deepen and refine your grief healing toolbox, and get on your path to a sustainable support system.

Program Fees

The program as a bundle includes the following and you only need to pay and register in one spot, on this page:

  1. Being with and Healing Grief Self-Paced Online Course, with lifetime access: ($199 value)

  2. 3 one-on-one grief guidance sessions, 50-minutes each: ($550 value)

  3. 12-week Mindful Grief Support Group and Healing Circle: ($397 value)

  4. 8 monthly meetings following the 12-week Mindful Support Group (only available as part of A Year of Healing Program), ($270 value)

The full price value of the program: $1,416

This offer: $1,003 when paid in full* ($413, or 29%, savings)

SIGN UP for A Year of Healing Program


Step 2: PAYMENT - choose your option

A Year of Healing Program
A Year of Living - Pay over 3 Monthly Installments
A Year of Living - Pay over 6 Monthly Installments

I am delighted that you are here to support your grief and move towards healing.

Let’s get going. Gently, Slowly. Kindly.